Kraljice Natalije 45, Belgrade, Serbia

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Members of the IS-MIGaIN project team Vesna Lukić and Milica Vesković Anđelković, as part of the session on population dynamics

The International Scientific Conference International Scientific Conference “Population in Post-Yugoslav Countries: (Dis)similarities and Perspectives” was held in Belgrade on April 19th and 20th, 2024. Hosted by the Association of Demographers of Serbia in partnership with the Institute of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade, this premier event assembled experts and researchers from eight countries to discuss demographic trends and challenges. The conference, featuring 50 abstracts by 74 authors from different disciplines, highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of demographic research and its significance across various societal issues.

Одржана радионица Међународна академска мобилност из студентске перспективе: могућности и изазови (да креатори политика боље разумеју изазове и могућности студирања у иностранству), у оквиру пројекта IS-MIGaIN

The aim of the workshop was to explore the possibilities for the development of policies that encourage the building of cross-cultural communication and identity of students during their international academic mobility. 

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Tuesday, 19th March 2024

др Весна Лукић (руководилац пројекта) представилa је наш пројекат, Демографисање

As part of the eighth Demografisanje, held on February 29. the project International Student Migration in the Serbian Context and (Re)Construction of Identity: Main Issues and Inputs for Policy Making (Acronym: IS-MIGaIN), financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the IDENTITY call, was presented.

Dr. Vesna Lukić (principal investigator) and Dr. Nena Vasojević  presented our project

Forum: “13th Forum of the Vukova Zadužbina“

At the 13th Forum of the Vukova Zadužbina held on Monday, December 4, 2023, in the Banquet Hall of the Vukova zadužbina, our project was presented by Vesna Lukić (principal investigator) and Nena Vasojević from the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade. Slavko Vejinović, manager of affairs, greeted those present on behalf of the Vukova zadužbina.

Dr. Nena Vasojević presented our project

Meeting: Social Sciences and Public Policies - Transfer of Knowledge from Science to Good Governance

In the Institute of Social Sciences on November 20, 2023, at the meeting "Social Sciences and Public Policies - Transfer of Knowledge from Science to Good Governance", Dr. Nena Vasojević presented our project as part of the session What Social Sciences Offer to Public Policies.

Dr. Nena Vasojević presented our project

Participation of our researchers at the conference in Niš, "Regional Development, Identity, and Democratic Integration"

Conference: Regional Development, Identity, and Democratic Integration

Members of the IS-MIGaIN research team Dr. Snežana Stojšin and Dr. Vladan Vidicki participated in the international scientific conference "Regional Development, Identity, and Democratic Integration", held on February 6 and 7, 2023. The conference was organized in cooperation of the Serbian Sociological Society and the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš.

Vladan Vidicki, Ph.D. - Teaching assistant Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad


Within the session  IDENTITY ASPECTS AND DYNAMICS OF REGIONS AND REGIONALISM our representatives presented the following papers:

  • Methodological challenges in the research of (re)construction of identity of international students, and
  • Serbian entrepreneur in Europe and America – (Re)Construction of identities in first-generation migrants.


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